Gordon Smith räknas som ett av världens i särklass med träffsäkra medium. Att uppleva en storseans med honom är en mäktig upplevelse där många i publiken får uppleva starka bevis på att deras nära och kära i andevärlden kommer med hälsningar. Gordon Smith är också en erfaren och engagerad lärare i mediumskap. I juni 2019 kommer han till Sverige, till Stockholm, där han kommer att hålla en storseans och en kurs.
Storseans med Gordon Smith 7 juni 2019 kl 19-21 i Älta Kulturknut i Nacka.
Pris: 270 kr
Storseansen tolkas till svenska
Storseansen hålls i Älta Kulturknut, Nacka. Här finns vägbeskrivning.
Kurs/workshop med Gordon Smith: Pris 2.300 kr. Tolk finns under kursen. Morgon- och eftermiddagsfika och frukt ingår. Lunch kommer att finnas att beställa för 50 kr. Vi återkommer i god tid för att få reda på eventuella allergier eller matintolerans.
Anmälningsavgift: 500 kr – resten betalas en månad före kursen
Lördag 8 juni kl 10.00-17.00 Grupp 1 – inte tränat så länge
Söndag 9 juni kl 10.00-17.00 Grupp 2 – mer tränade
Kurs/workshop hålls i Tempelriddareordens lokaler, Kammakargatan 56, Stockholm
Mer information och anmälan görs till rose (snabel-a) andligtochtarot (punkt) se
Om kurserna:
Lördagskursen: Improve Your Mediumship
This workshop is geared to help any student who wishes to improve the gift of Mediumship. Whether it be for private one to one readings or public platform demonstrations. This brand new workshop features exercises, which have been set up to help the practitioner understand the needs of their recipients and how to improve and clarify information that comes from the other side with a series of new and improved practices as well as instruction to make your spiritual abilities flow naturally.
This workshop is not suitable for the absolute beginner, but is opened to students who already have an understanding of mediumship. The aim of the workshop is to help you trust your gift and build a loving bond with your spirit guides and loved ones, in an easy to understand and light-hearted manner. This course is a must for those who wish to take their gift to the next level on their spiritual path.
Gordon Smith is hailed as one of the world’s most accurate mediums. As a renowned spiritual teacher Gordon teaches both in the UK and abroad where he also demonstrates his mediumship. Gordon has appeared many times on TV shows including This Morning, Richard and Judy and BBC’s Everyman, he has also written numerous best selling books on Mediumship and other spiritual subjects and is currently MBS writer of the year as voted by Kindred Spirit.
As spaces for this workshop are limited, it is advisable to book early to avoid any disappointment.
Söndag 9 juni 2019: Creating a Stronger Link with Spirit
”Creating a Stronger Link with Spirit” is a one-day development workshop presented by internationally renowned Medium and Spiritual teacher Gordon Smith.
This interactive workshop is open to students who are interested in developing their awareness beyond their physical senses.
Throughout this workshop Gordon will interact with the students by demonstrating a number of simple but incredibly effective practical exercise’s.
This one-day workshop will cover topics such as:
• Sitting in Silence
• Linking with Spirit
• Self and Spiritually Awareness
• Working with the Aura
• Spiritual Healing
As spaces for this workshop are limited, it is advisable to book early to avoid any disappointment.
You must be over 18 and in good general physical and mental health to attend this workshop.
Arrangemanget görs av Rosemari Södergren och Yvonne Ackermann i samarbete med Stockholms Spiritualistiska förening