Möt författaren till boken ”Tarot – Lär dig att tolka korten”. När jag upptäckte att tarotkort talade till mig, att jag med inspiration av korten kunde känna hur människor mår, vad de tänker på och jag kan kommunicera med andevärlden för att ge medial rådgivning med tarotkort hittade jag denna bok av den brittiska tarotläggaren och författaren Kim Arnold.
Boken har varit och är en stor inspirationskälla för mig. Kim Arnold har en stor förmåga att göra korten levande och få mig att se, förstå och känna vad de förmedlar.
När jag lyckades få kontakt med henne blev jag jätteglad och här är en intervju jag gjort med Kim Arnold.
How come you started with tarot?
– I was at a clairvoyant event at the age of 18 and was picked out by the speaker to demonstrate psychometry, at that time I did not know what it was. However, I held this ladies ring and the information flowed. I was invited by the speaker to train at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain (SAGB) which was a huge deal in the 80’s. Apparently she saw a ‘gift’ within me.
How did you start?
– Once at the SAGB, Tarot was bought in as part of spiritual training, I had a natural flow with the cards from the moment I touched them, and I loved them!
Have you joined any courses in the beginning?
– There were not many courses during the 80’s but I had great teachers who taught not only how to read intuitively but also understanding the energy of the cards.
You have done tarot for twenty years. How many countries is your book translated to?
– My Book published by Hay House is in Russian, Spanish, Polish, Swedish and of course English.
What is tarot for you?
– Tarot is the friend who tells me information we sometimes do not want to hear, but also guides me and my clients when we have decisions to make.
Can you tell the future with tarot?
– I believe we all have free will to make choices, the cards can guide our future but ultimately it is down to us to make our own decisions. I believe we can change the outcome if we do not like what we hear.
For me, I use tarot most for medialistic advices, for personal advices, to help people to find thereself, there inner voice? What do you think about that?
– I think Tarot has evolved in such a way it is no longer just about ‘fortune telling’. I believe the cards can give us so much if we look deep in to them. As individuals, whatever works for you is fine.
There is different tarotdeck – do you have any favourite?
– I love the Gill Tarot, it is Rider Waite based but very gentle. I have had it for many years and I believe it is soon going to be reprinted.
Which is the most beautiful tarot deck, in your opinion?
– I have just purchased the Starman Tarot by Davide De Angelis, it is stunning.
Do you think it is important to never let anyone else use ones tarotdeck? Is it true that we fill the cards with our own energy?
– I never let anyone use my ‘working decks’ as I do feel as a reader and teacher you build a bond with your cards and they connect with your own energy.
Can anyone learn tarot?
– I believe anyone can learn tarot, but it takes a different technique to be able to flow with the cards. Some people are naturally intuitive and will be able to connect with the cards with greater ease.
Do you think Rider Waite is best to begin with?
– Yes I do, many of the modern day cards are based on Rider Waite imagery, so by learning with a traditional Rider Waite deck, most decks will become easy once you understand the basics.
When you do a reading with tarot: it is the meaning and understanding of every card that is important or what the cards tell you in that moment?
– When I read the cards, I firstly glance at all the cards before I start, one or two cards may pull my eye and I know then that card relates to an issue with the client. Some cards will appear more powerful than others in a reading and these are the ones I would concentrate on. Of course every card tells a story, but not all may be immediately relevant in the moment.
Are you medium as well?
– I do not say I am a medium, however, spirit has made contact many times when I am using the cards with unique information. I am a ‘closet’ medium, I do not say I am, but the spirits have other ideas …